Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wake up with Tanner! Music blog hop!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tanner, I found your blog through Tristan.
    1. What is a music blog hop? I'm not familiar with that.
    2. Like your card. very masculine. I know you were saying 'what could i put in the corner?' how about some matches? haha.
    3. lastly, I see you like Yorkies. I have 3 dogs. None are yorkies but one of them is a small dog and he barks a lot and he tears things up. His name is SamUL.
    If you go to my blog(which you don't have to do as I see you have a TON of followers), just click on 'Videos' and you can see some of SamUL's (pronounced Sam-U-L)... videos.

    Love the idea of putting in music to your cards.
