Hey Everyone! Happy Thursday! Hope you are having a great week!
Anyway, Have you ever wanted to start a Stamp Company but have NO clue where to start? I am wanting to help YOU! I get emails every week from different people wanting to start a Stamp company , But don't know where to start. I'm going to start offering Mentoring/consulting to start your business.
When I first started I went through a lot of trial and error, So I want to save you the trouble! For a fee of $35 dollar for two months, $50 dollars for four months, and $75 dollars for six months (Subject to change, Order now to lock in) I will work with you one on one to start YOUR company and get Product awareness. PRICES WILL BE GOING UP, They will never be this low again.
Let's break down everything we will be working on -
-Building a successful blog
-Starting/Building Social media channels Ex. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest
-Learning how to Design Stamps in illustrator, Photoshop, Etc.
-Knowing how to Market your stamp releases
-Starting a Design Team the RIGHT way.
-Connecting you with passionate bloggers to work with your stamps for Product awareness
-Connecting you with a manufacture to meet your needs
-Answering questions from you.
-Sharing my knowledge I've learned over 4 year in the industry.
Below is a video from ME talking about what I'm offering.
Watch on Youtube Click HERE
Now you may be asking, WHY is someone wanting to help ME?
Well, When I did stamps it was very hush hush and I want to open it where there's even more opportunities for people like YOU who have stamp ideas that don't know where to start. That is the real reason I stopped doing stamps a few months back. I want to help new aspiring stamp company owners.
I have over 1,600 Facebook fans from two Facebook "Like" pages,
40,000+ Twitter Followers, and over 1,700 Youtube subscribers from Three Channels.
There is a 30 day money back Guarantee if you're not satisfied with my services. I'll refund you're money no questions asked.
If you have ANY questions before ordering or about the service feel free to email me at :